
As a new client you need to create a profile.
Upon successful registration, we will send you a user name and password, which you can then use to log in.

The Standard agreement is a legal contract between you and Brainline.
In order to enjoy learning with Brainline, you have to read and accept this agreement.


1. Definitions: The meaning of the words below apply to this agreement, unless stated otherwise.
• “Business days” refer to all days of the week excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
• “Certificate” means a document that includes details about amounts owed and interest.
• “Date of cancellation” refers to the specific date when a completed cancellation form is received by Brainline. If the form is not submitted on a business day, it will be considered received on the next business day.
• “Head Office” refers to the primary administrative centre of Brainline.
• “I” and “me” refers to the client in this agreement.
• “Problem experienced” encompasses any issue or difficulty that may arise during the course of the agreement.
• “Product” encompasses all goods and services provided, including the curriculum purchased upon enrolment and any modifications or additions made to the enrolment throughout the year.
• “Prescribed cancellation period” refers to a minimum of 10 business days from the receipt of notice, before the start of an assessment period or the following month, as specified in the relevant clause(s).
• “NSC” stands for National Senior Certificate.
• “Official company website” refers to the websites,, and/or
• “IEB” stands for Independent Examination Board.
• “ISC” stands for International Secondary Certificate.
• “Enrolment platform” refers to the website
2. Reference to the singular in this agreement shall include the plural and vice versa unless the context suggests otherwise.
3. I understand that the product will be delivered in the form of either electronic download or online access.
4. I understand that this agreement constitutes a binding offer for the product, which is subject to acceptance by Brainline. Enrolment will be confirmed upon receiving academic and financial approval from Brainline. I also understand that not receiving the product does not release me from my responsibilities and liabilities outlined in this agreement.
5. I agree and accept that my relationship with Brainline, where acting as an adult/guardian or on behalf of my child/ren, is purely voluntarily. This association does not create any binding obligations for Brainline beyond what is stated in this agreement or on official company websites.
6. I understand that Brainline is registered with the IEB and, therefore, is obligated to adhere to the regulations set forth by the IEB.
7. I understand that the client-service provider relationship between myself and/or the learner and Brainline is not under the jurisdiction of the IEB. Any communication regarding this relationship will be solely between myself and Brainline.
8. I understand that Brainline is an independent, privately owned online school and service provider. I also understand that, while Brainline follows the policies and regulations of the IEB and Umalusi, it operates autonomously with integrity, adhering to its own values of reliability, consistency, and responsibility, and that Brainline upholds moral and ethical standards within a robust educational framework.
9. I understand that any complaints or queries should be directed to Brainline directly until all internal remedies have been exhausted.
10. As the client, I hereby authorise Brainline or a designated intermediary, chosen at their absolute discretion, to deliver the product to the primary contact details of the parent/guardian and learner provided by me on the enrolment platform.
11. If any product purchased under this agreement is found to be faulty, I understand that Brainline will replace such products free of charge. However, this is contingent upon me notifying Brainline of the issue within five business days of receiving the product by sending an email to [email protected].
12. Upon enrolment, I acknowledge that the Brainline learner will be provided with a dedicated learner email address (s***** for receiving notifications. Additionally, these notifications will also be sent to the parent/guardian email address that I supplied on the enrolment platform.
13. I understand that the dedicated learner email address (s***** is intended solely for educational purposes. I acknowledge that Brainline is not responsible for any misuse of the email address by learners and/or parents/guardians.
14. I understand that communication with Brainline is conducted through telephone, email, or other company websites. I acknowledge the importance of providing Brainline with accurate and up-to-date contact information, including dedicated parent/guardian and learner email addresses, cell phone numbers, and residential/postal addresses. I accept responsibility for any costs that may arise from my failure to update this information.
15. I understand that Brainline is not accountable for my failure to open and read emails or for any loss of access to my emails. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility, as well as the learner’s responsibility, to actively manage and stay informed of all notifications from Brainline to avoid missing any important academic information.
16. I declare that I am fully aware of the nature, quality, and content of Brainline’s product. I accept the product as it is, without any warranties provided.
17. I am aware that all delivery costs, including shipping costs, postage, freight, handling charges, and media costs, will be my responsibility and will be borne by me.
18. In understand that all software and learning material provided by Brainline have been licensed to me for use under the terms of this agreement and have not been sold to me. I acknowledge that Brainline retains all rights to its intellectual property and related documentation, unless explicitly granted to me. Only learners enrolled with Brainline are permitted to use Brainline’s software and learning material. All electronic and hardcopy documentation and data remain the property of Brainline.
19. I acknowledge that I am aware of the Brainline contact details. I understand that encountering any problem, regardless of its nature, does not entitle me to cancel this agreement or stop payments.
20. I accept that a certificate signed by an authorised official from Brainline is valid proof of the details stated in it. I understand that such a certificate can be used as evidence to obtain judgement against me or for any other lawful purpose. Additionally, I acknowledge that the certificate serves as prima facie evidence that the stated amount, including any interest, is owed by me and that the interest is payable at the rate specified in the certificate.
21. I understand that by providing information on the enrolment platform, I consent to Brainline accessing my credit record, perusing it, and reporting information regarding my credit conduct to credit bureaus and other relevant parties. I acknowledge that this consent aligns with Brainline’s policy and the requirements of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013.
22. I understand that failure to make payment for my account will result in the suspension of services and access to the product for myself and/or the learner(s). It is my responsibility to provide proof of payment of my account by submitting it to [email protected].
23. I understand that if services are suspended, all assessments will become unavailable, and no alternative assessments will be provided. I accept full responsibility in the event of such a situation occurring. I acknowledge that Brainline is not subsidised by the Department of Education and that non-payment constitutes a breach of contract. I understand that any prejudice to the learner(s) will be a result of my negligence. I indemnify Brainline and its staff against any responsibility in this regard. I understand that if any assessments were missed due to such suspension of services, I will be responsible for an additional fee for a replacement assessment, subject to availability and in compliance with the assessment policy.
24. I agree not to reproduce, copy, or facilitate the copying of any part of Brainline’s product. I understand that breaching this undertaking will result in a penalty of at least R100,000 (one hundred thousand rand). This penalty amount does not cover any legal fees incurred by Brainline, which I will be responsible for in addition to the penalty if I am found in breach. The penalty amount may be subject to increase based on the evidence provided by Brainline.
25. I understand that Brainline retains the right to investigate any cases where original academic reports or any other information has been fraudulently altered.
26. I understand that the education of my child/children is my responsibility and not the responsibility of Brainline. I recognise that Brainline is solely providing an educational aid.
27. I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that the learner’s subject choices in grades 10–12 align with their envisaged careers/pathways.
28. I understand that Brainline presents the curriculum in accordance with the guidelines provided by the National Department of Basic Education, as per the Revised National Curriculum Statement.
29. I acknowledge that I will be responsible for all the costs associated with legal action arising from a breach of this agreement, including attorney fees on the attorney-client scale as well as collection commission.
30. I agree that the Magistrate’s Court will have jurisdiction over any legal proceedings that may arise from this agreement.
31. I understand that enrolling with Brainline does not constitute an application, registration, or enrolment with any other private or public authority, including the Department of Education.
32. Brainline reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without providing reasons, to refuse enrolment, yearly re-enrolment, or re-admission. This Agreement should not be interpreted as a representation or warranty that I/my child(ren) will be enrolled with Brainline.
33. Should Brainline determine, at its sole discretion, that the relationship between Brainline and myself has irretrievably broken down, Brainline is entitled to unilaterally terminate this agreement by providing written notice of thirty (30) days. I understand that upon termination under this clause, Brainline is not obligated to provide any further assistance or services to me or the learner. Brainline will reimburse me for the unexpired part of the year for which I/my child will no longer receive services from Brainline.


1. I understand that Brainline may administer assessments to learners either in a paper-based format or online, depending on the requirements of each subject. These assessments are designed to comply with the IEB requirements and ensure a robust educational framework.
2. I understand that when a learner uploads an assignment and receives formal notification, it indicates that the document has been successfully received. However, the notification does not imply that the uploaded document has been checked by Brainline. The integrity of the document, including factors such as the correct file, absence of corruption, completeness, and readability, will only be verified during the marking process.
3. I understand that the initial uploaded document remains in draft mode until the learner clicks the final submission button. During the draft mode, the learner has the option to change or replace the file. However, once the final submission date has passed, the draft file will be considered the final version for marking and cannot be replaced or changed by the learner.
4. The learner is responsible for following all the necessary steps once the draft has been uploaded:
• Downloading the uploaded file.
• Ensure that the downloaded file opens correctly.
• Verify that the correct file has been submitted.
• Confirm that all relevant pages have been scanned and included in the file.
• Ensure that the scanned pages are clearly legible.
5. By clicking the final Submit button, the learner acknowledges and accepts that if the marker is unable to mark all or part of a submitted assessment due to any reason, a zero mark will be awarded for the affected portion.
6. I understand that if a learner leaves the upload in draft format and fails to complete the required steps before clicking the final Submit button, the same will apply to the draft file once the final submission date has passed. The draft file will be treated as the final submission for marking purposes.
7. I understand that all formal assessments have set timetables and must be conducted on the specified date and time. No alternative dates or times are permitted.
8. I understand that if any form of assessment is missed, no marks will be awarded for that assessment.
9. I understand that the marking guidelines for certain practical assessments, marked final examinations, and corresponding marking guidelines for any final examination in any product will not be released.
10. I acknowledge that, as a learner enrolled to write the Grade 12 IEB NSC examination, my child will be deregistered from the IEB NSC examination for any subject for which they do not comply with the compulsory School-Based Assessment (SBA) requirements as set by the IEB. I understand that this may result in an incomplete subject set and the non-issuance of an NSC. In such a case, the outstanding subject(s) will need to be repeated in full and at my own cost in the following academic year.


1. I understand that Brainline may make use of a vetted and approved third party to provide online proctoring of assessments for Brainline learners. This third party may act as controllers, sub- controllers, and data processors for this purpose.
2. I understand that the invigilation requirements for each product are as follows, unless otherwise decided by the subject teacher in accordance with a sound educational framework:

Grade 1–12:

Grade/ product Term assessments Final examinations
Grade 1-3 Registered parent/independent
Registered parent/independent
Grade 4-7 Online proctoring Online proctoring
Grade 8-9 Online proctoring Online proctoring
Grade 10–11 Online proctoring Online proctoring
Adult Matric Online proctoring Online proctoring
Grade 12 Online proctoring Brainline Examination Centre
  Preliminary examinations
Online proctoring
Report only n/a Online proctoring
Supplementary/ catch-up tests n/a Online proctoring

3. When an invigilator is required, they must be an independent individual who is older than 18 years, not related to the learner, and possesses good reading and comprehension skills, as well as computer literacy. This invigilator must also successfully complete the Brainline invigilator test.
4. I understand that it is my responsibility, or the responsibility of the learner, to attend or ensure attendance in the case of compulsory online sessions. Failure to attend may result in a zero mark being awarded.
5. I acknowledge that all invigilation fees are included in the standard Brainline product fees as a mandatory service, and I understand that these fees are my responsibility and must be covered by me.
6. Additional invigilation fees are applicable in the following instances:
    6.1.   In the case of Grade 12 final examinations, additional fees will apply on an hourly basis if accommodation has been approved for a candidate by the IEB. If a candidate is granted permission for a separate venue, extra time, and/or examinations on a computer, the dedicated services of a single invigilator for each individual learner will be required by the IEB, resulting in additional fees.
    6.2.    Additional costs may apply if invigilation services are required at Brainline branches or IEB-approved schools or centres. These costs will be quoted by Brainline upon a request sent to [email protected]. Please note that examination centres require IEB approval.
7. I acknowledge that Brainline has the right to modify the invigilation process at any time without prior consultation, with the aim of ensuring transparency, validity, and reliability. It is the responsibility of parents, guardians and educators to securely store the data related to these processes for a minimum period of three years. This data should be easily accessible and readily available when requested by the Department of Education, Brainline, the IEB, and/or its subsidiaries.
8. I accept that invigilation requirements may include, but are not limited to, online invigilation, which may involve the recording of examination sessions on a secure site/server of a third party, self-made recordings on electronic devices, or other invigilation procedures approved by the IEB. These requirements are subject to change and must be strictly followed to ensure the security of all assessment results related to the National Senior Certificate. Failure to adhere to these requirements (where applicable to specific products) may result in the suspension of services.
9. I acknowledge that Brainline reserves the right to award a zero mark for an assessment if there are suspicions of contravening any of the invigilation processes, to protect the validity and reliability of learner marks for tasks, tests, and examinations. Any suspicions will be investigated by the Irregularities Committee, and the outcome will be communicated to the parent(s) and/or learner.


1. I acknowledge that the following may apply to my enrolment with Brainline, depending on the subject:
    1.1 If a learner decides to change from one subject to another during the academic year, a subject change fee will apply.

Subjects Fees and subject conditions
Consumer Studies • Learners in Grade 12 must attend a compulsory three-day practical workshop and/or examination at the Brainline head office in Montana, Pretoria.
• For ISC, the designated practical/examination centre will be determined by the IEB.
• The learner is responsible for covering any travel and accommodation expenses that may be incurred.
• Practical examination fees are quoted upon enrolment.
Computer Applications Technology / Computer Studies (ISC) • Microsoft Office 365 or later, including MS Access
• Microsoft Windows 10/11
• Notepad++
• Grade 12 learners are subject to practical examination fees, which are quoted upon enrolment.
• For ISC, the designated practical/examination centre will be determined by the IEB.
Engineering Graphics and Design / Engineering and Graphics Technology (ISC) • Grade 10–12: The learner must have the required drawing instruments and an A3 printer and scanner.
• Grade 11–12: CAD (Computer-Aided Design) is compulsory.
Equine Studies • The learner must have access to a horse on which to compete.
• The learner must have access to a Level 1 SANIP instructor for practical tasks.
• The learner must have the required horse-riding equipment.
• The learner must have access to and attend regular riding lessons.
• The learner must have competed in at least 4 competitions:
    o Grade 11: Novice level
    o Grade 12: Above novice level
Languages (Home Language / Primary Language (ISC) and First Additional Language / Additional Language (ISC)) • Grade 12 learners must attend a compulsory scheduled oral examination. The format of the oral examination may vary and can include a Skype session, a Zoom session, group sessions, or a one-on-one conversation between the examiner and the learner. The specific methodology and venue of the oral examination are determined at the discretion of the examiner, unless the learner has a specific need that requires alternative arrangements.
• Every year, the IEB randomly selects learners who are enrolled for Languages (Home and/or FAL) for oral moderation. If a learner is chosen for such an oral moderation session, they must attend it in person at the designated Brainline venue, as determined by the IEB.
Life Orientation / Active Citizenship (ISC) • Grade 12 learners should be aware that the CAT Paper 2 must be written at a Brainline Examination Centre or using a Brainline-designated online proctoring solution.
• For ISC, the designated practical/examination centre will be determined by the IEB or using a Brainline- designated online proctoring solution.
• The learner is responsible for covering any travel and accommodation expenses that may be incurred.
• Practical examination fees are quoted upon enrolment.
Life Sciences / Biology (ISC) • Grade 12 learners are required to attend a three-day practical workshop and complete the IEB Practical Assessment Task at one of Brainline’s branches (Umhlanga, Stellenbosch, Woodmead, or Montana).
• For ISC, the designated practical/examination centre will be determined by the IEB.
• The learner is responsible for covering any travel and accommodation expenses that may be incurred.
• Practical examination fees are quoted upon enrolment.
Visual Arts • Grade 12 learners should be aware that the final Visual Arts Paper 2 examination must be completed at a designated Brainline Examination Centre.
• The learner is responsible for covering any travel and accommodation expenses that may be incurred.
• Practical examination fees are quoted upon enrolment.

1.3 In the case of Adult Matric:
      Learners extending their Adult Matric Compact Year over more than one year, to a maximum of three years, will be required to pay a re-registration fee at the beginning of each subsequent year.
1.4 Remarking and/or moderation of marked files will result in an additional charge.


1. Brainline has no affiliations with any third parties, such as tutors, tutor centres, cottage schools, micro- schools, teachers, independent schools, public schools or any other educational institution, unless explicitly stated in writing.
2. Communication and interaction regarding the product should only occur between Brainline and the parents/guardians of enrolled learners.
3. Brainline is not responsible for any disputes between parents, guardians or individuals, and third parties.
4. Third parties will be held liable for copyright infringement when acting on behalf of a parent, guardian or individuals.
5. No third party can enrol a learner with Brainline on behalf of a parent, guardian or individual, without their consent.
6. The enrolment of a learner is the sole responsibility of the parent, guardian or individual.
7. I understand that a third party cannot accept payment on behalf of Brainline.


1. By using Brainline software and learning material, I agree to the terms and conditions, policies and guidelines published on official company websites. The Brainline product is for personal use by enrolled learners and cannot be resold or redistributed.
2. I can access the learning material on up to three devices simultaneously.
3. I can print hard copies of learning material for personal use but cannot make additional copies or allow others to print on my behalf.
4. Copyright notices and acknowledgements in digital publications must be respected.
5. Abuse of Brainline’s resources may result in legal action and account suspension.


1. Brainline delivers its course material, including, but not limited to, ebooks, learner guides and teachers’ guides, through a downloadable computer application called Snapplify (

The Snapplify reader is compatible with the following operating systems and requires the following minimum hardware requirements:
• Android (4.4 and later)
• iOS (9.0 and later)
• macOS 11.0 (Big Sur)
• Windows 10
• Chrome OS 50

Minimum hardware requirements:
• Processor: Dual-core 1.5 GHz or higher
• RAM: 2 GB or more
• Storage: 16 GB or more

2. I understand that Brainline uses an online proctoring solution to ensure the validity of their assessments and that it is my responsibility to ensure that my dedicated laptop/PC meets the following minimum requirements to successfully run the proctoring solution:

Microsoft users Apple users
- Age of Laptop/Desktop: 2015 and newer
- Windows 10 or later
- Access to the Microsoft App Store
- Functional integrated microphone
- Functional integrated camera
- Processor: Minimum i3
- Storage: Minimum 4GB
- RAM: Minimum 4GB
- Processor Speed: Minimum 1.6 Ghz
- Operating system: Minimum 64 bit
- Age of Laptop/Desktop: 2015 and newer
- Mac OS 11 of later
- Access to the Apple App Store
- Functional integrated microphone
- Functional integrated camera
- Storage: Minimum 4GB

3. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to install a trusted and updated anti-virus programme and malware protection application on my dedicated laptop/PC. This is necessary to ensure the security and integrity of the system while using Brainline’s services.
4. I understand that to complete my studies through Brainline, I require the following hardware:
    4.1 Personal computer: laptop/PC.
    4.2 Printer and scanner.
    4.3 Stable internet connection: A minimum of 50 GB will be needed per month for any learner enrolled from Grade 8 and higher, depending on overall internet usage.
    4.4 Network speeds:
          • For optimal usage, 10 MBps upload and 10 Mbps download speed (for one user), and up to 25 MBps for two or more concurrent users.
          • However, 5 Mbps download, 1 Mbps upload will suffice.
    4.5 RAM: 2 GB, 4 GB is recommended.
    4.6 Storage: 16 GB free hard-drive space or more
    4.7 Microphone and webcam.
5. Brainline offers technical support to clients for using the Brainline platforms. However, it is important to note that this support is limited to assisting learners in using the platforms. Any additional or specialised technical support may be available upon request, subject to an additional cost.
6. I am aware that my country of residence may have regional restrictions on certain software or applications that may prevent access to Brainline systems, and it is my responsibility to implement the necessary measures to circumvent these restrictions where necessary.


1. Credobooks ( is the preferred provider of hardcopy books for Brainline learners. For support related to Credobooks, please contact their help desk at [email protected].
2. Snapplify ( is the preferred provider of ebooks for Brainline learners. Please note that the ebooks from Snapplify are not printable, except for the Brainline Grade 1 to 3 ebooks and the Brainline Mathematics Programme.
3. For ISC, it is recommended to only purchase required study material through Snapplify, as ebooks are more readily available internationally.
4. As a parent/guardian/learner, it is my responsibility to purchase the required study material as prescribed by the Brainline booklist, which can be found at or on the website of the chosen study material provider.
5. Please be aware that certain study material may only be available in hardcopy and not in digital format, including prescribed literature.
6. Brainline cannot be held responsible for any errors in the study material, except for the Grade R to 3 Brainline books and Brainline Mathematics Programme. Brainline also reserves the right to recommend a new provider of study material.
7. In the event of cancelling your enrolment with Brainline, it is your responsibility to contact Snapplify to arrange transfer of books from your Brainline email to your personal designated email to ensure continued access to the study material.


1. You can make payment for the due amount using the following methods:
    1.1 Full payment of the total amount.
    1.2 An initial non-refundable deposit equal to 20% of the total course fee, payable via EFT, credit or debit card, or direct cash deposit. This is followed by debit order payments, subject to a qualifying credit rating and submission of the mandatory Debit Order Mandate and supporting documentation. Debit order payments may be subject to a credit check.
    1.3 Debit orders are processed on the 1st, 15th and 25th of each month. If any of these dates fall on a weekend or public holiday, the debit order will be processed on the previous business day.
2. Please note that Brainline does not accept cash payments at its branches.
3. Monthly instalments via EFT, credit, and debit cards are not accepted. ONLY DEBIT ORDER PAYMENTS ARE ACCEPTED. Alternative payment options are available to international clients.
4. It is important to ensure uninterrupted debit order payments on a month-to-month basis to maintain continuous service.
5. If you choose to pay in instalments, please ensure that the full outstanding amount, including the final instalment, is paid before November 30, 2025.
6. For ISC, if you choose to pay in instalments, please ensure that the full outstanding amount, including the final instalment, is paid before May 30, 2026.
7. In the event of a failed debit order payment, a penalty fee of R350 will be charged. It is required to make a replacement payment within the next two business days.
8. You are responsible for settling your account in full before re-enrolling for the following year. Please note that you will not be able to re-enrol until your account is settled in full.
9. When your account is in arrears, the following steps will be taken:
    9.1 Brainline will notify you about the default in payment via SMS, email, and/or telephone call.
    9.2 If payment is not received, Brainline is entitled to suspend services after two business days from the receipt of the default notice. Please note that this suspension will have negative implications as outlined in clause A.22 and A.23. above.
    9.3 Re-enrolment will only be considered once your account is settled in full. The option to pay in instalments will be forfeited.
10. In the event of legal action arising from a breach of this agreement, you will be liable for all associated costs. These costs will be on the attorney-client scale, including collection commission.


1. If you wish to cancel your enrolment with Brainline, please complete the cancellation form at
2. Cancellations will be processed within five business days from the date of receipt of the cancellation form.
3. Please note that you will remain liable to Brainline for the amount agreed upon at the time of enrolment, up to the date of cancellation. Brainline may impose a reasonable cancellation fee as defined by each product.
4. A month’s notice is required when requesting to cancel your enrolment with Brainline. During this notice period, you will still be liable to pay the required monthly fee.
5. If a cancellation is requested within five business days of enrolment and it is evident that no content was accessed, a refund will be processed.
6. It is important to note that the IEB examination fees for a Grade 12 learner are immediately payable upon enrolment and are not eligible for a refund. However, if a cancellation is submitted before or on 15 February 2025, a refund may be considered.
7. If the account for the entire academic year was settled in advance and a cancellation is requested, the refund amount, if applicable, will be calculated based on the month date of receipt of the cancellation notice. However, it is important to note that Brainline may impose a reasonable cancellation fee. If an entire product was delivered upon enrolment, cancellations may not be eligible for a refund.
8. If a cancellation request for the June/November Optional Formal Examination is submitted within the prescribed cancellation period, a full refund will be processed. However, if the cancellation request is received after the prescribed cancellation period, it will not be eligible for a refund.
9. No refunds will be processed for any Grade 12 cancellations received after 30 June 2025.
10. If a Grade 12 enrolment is deregistered by Brainline due to non-compliance with the SBA requirements, the IEB examination fee will not be refunded.


This agreement constitutes the entire agreement held between myself and Brainline. Any amendments to this agreement must be agreed to in writing and signed by the parties involved.

Thank you for accepting all the terms and conditions of this agreement.


Copyright 2022 © Brainline (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.